Ohio Dental Repair

A Subsidiarity ...

Ohio Dental Repair provides repair service for the Dental Industry which includes most dental equipment not only handpieces. Via our web site we have given our clients the ability to quickly and seamlessly Manage their own repair request with out the inconvenience of having their daily routine and busy schedules compromised. Our CONTACT page allows the client to convey in their own words to our repair facility the exact identity of the equipment needing repaired, whether it be on site or shipped to our facility, as well as the urgency in which it is needed returned. With the use of email and the internet we are able to exploit current technology resulting in saving you precious office time. Giving you the ability to interact with our repair facility and the flexibility to place your repair orders any time of the day or night and receive the necessary feed back when necessary, to proceed with your service request, saving you valuable time so that your staff can focus on the most important part of your business, your patients. We currently service the following type of equipment, all makes of handpieces (high speed and slow speed) but not limited to, ultrasonic cleaners, ultrasonic scalers, amalgamators, obturators, electrosurgery units. If you have equipment that you are unfamiliar with that needs serviced just email or call. Our online system never closes.

Please call or email us if you have questions, or to request a shipping packet. Just click on CONTACT from the HOME page.